ΙΝΛΝ»Ι » ΙΝΝ» ΛΝΝ» ΛΝΝ» ΙΝΝ» ΙΝ» »ΙΝΝ»Ι »ΙΝΝ» Ί ΜΝΝΉ ΜΝ ΜΝΝΊ ΜΝΝΊ ΘΝΝ» Ί Ί ΊΜΝ Ί Ι» ΊΘΝΝ» Κ Θ Ό ΘΝΝΌ ΚΝΝΌ ΚΝΝΌ ΘΝΝΌ Θ ΘΝΌΘΝΝΌΘΝΌΘΝΌΘΝΝΌ * Home of the SHAD files and POLITICAL DRUG POLICY AWARENESS (due 09/94) * The BBS News BBS, 23 hours, 205-567-9310 USR HST DS 16.8! * FidoNet 1:375/48 * InterNet michael.hess@f.48.n375.z1.fidonet.org Magic filenames and the files they cover: ALLINFO = Latest SHAD list, July press release & other info. ALLINFO1 = SHAD0594.ZIP May release (was ALLINFO1.ZIP) ALLINFO2 = SHAD0694.ZIP June release (was ALLINFO1.ZIP) ALLINFO3 = SHAD0794.ZIP July release ABOUT = BBS-NEWS.DOC About the BBS News. FILES = BBS-NEWS.ZIP Complete file list updated nightly. NOTICE: The July press release contained a typographical error. SHAD0701.ZIP should have been named SHAD0794.ZIP. We apologize for any inconvenience.